Setting You Up For Success
Our factory-authorized installation programs work with customers and partners to ensure that every Alto-Shaam oven is properly installed and fully functional. More often than not, oven installation requires connections to electrical, water, gas and a drain line. If not installed properly, your oven might not function properly, which could lead to unwanted downtime in your kitchen.
We strongly encourage our Factory-Authorized Installation Programs so that your oven is optimally performing from the start. This simple three-step process includes:
- Pre-Site Visit: Our evaluation team ensures that your facility is ready for installation and helps you know what steps need to be taken in order to properly prepare your space.
- Installation: A certified service partner will ensure your oven is installed properly.
- On-Site Evaluation: Once installation is complete, our team performs a thorough check of the equipment and conducts a performance evaluation.
Installation programs are currently available for Prodigi™ combi ovens, self-cleaning rotisserie ovens and Vector® Multi-Cook Ovens.

Please Note: To begin the Factory-Authorized Start-up process, please fill out the Warranty Registration form located HERE.
If you have any service related questions, please contact:
Technical Service Support Line
1-800-558-8744 ext. 6702
To locate your preferred Authorized Service Agent (ASA), please browse our map of providers by following the link below.
Additional Information
Combi ovens
Factory Authorized Installation Program
Factory Authorized Mechanical Start-Up Program
Combi Pre-Installation Checklist (Download to Complete)
Combi Post-Installation Checklist (Download to Complete)
Prodigi Pre-Installation Checklist (Download to Complete)
Prodigi Post-Installation Checklist (Download to Complete)