
Dehydrate Food with a Prodigi Combi Oven

Different restaurants and foodservice operators are dehydrating food to reduce food waste and expand their menus. See how this technique can be done with a Prodigi Combi Oven to provide a unique food and culinary experience for customers.

Dehydrating food is a great way for operators to reduce food waste and expand their menus while giving customers a unique food and culinary experience. A variety of food can be dehydrated using several Alto-Shaam pieces of equipment: Cook & Hold ovens, holding cabinets, and our newly released Prodigi combination ovens.

Using the Prodigi Combination Ovens to Dehydrate Food

You would think that the last thing any chef would want to do with food in their kitchen would be to dry it out. While that is true, there are foods that can easily be dehydrated to maintain freshness and use immediately in recipes, expand your menu, cut back on food waste, and reduce labor. For example, fruits that are dehydrated are easier to cook into baked goods.

Prodigi combi ovens can be set to reduce the amount of steam and moisture normally used in cooking and reverse the process of moisture introduction. Because dehydrating involves taking the water out of food in order to preserve it, no artificial chemicals or preservatives are added to the food. These dehydrated foods are healthier and more nutrient dense than other artificial alternatives.

Prodigi Combi Ovens Can Be Used to Dehydrate Anything

Dehydrating foods creates an opportunity to expand your menu by adding new flavors or it can further enhance existing dishes. Add powdered foods as a new garnish or spice to boost flavor profiles. These dehydrated foods create intensified, bold flavors that customers will enjoy.

Likewise, other liquids, such as fruit juices, may be condensed and dehydrated in the same way. Purees can be transformed into candied fruit peel (a.k.a., "fruit rollups"). Crunchy veggie chips and crisps are quick, easy, and greaseless in Prodigi combination ovens.

How Else Can Dehydrating in a Prodigi Combi Oven Help?

Foods that are about to spoil and would have otherwise been thrown away can be saved by dehydration. Some options include dehydrating mushrooms, peppers, and numerous other fruits and vegetables. With this simple solution, shelf life is extended, and less money and product are wasted.

The real question is "What can't you do?" Working as a steamer, kettle, convection oven, fryer, smoker, and more, there are multiple cooking methods you can accomplish in these ovens. Taking it a step further, they are space-saving and energy-saving devices

With a zero-clearance design, operators can save valuable space under the hood and reduce ventilation costs. 

When you are ready to give Prodigi a try, contact a sales rep to see how these ovens can really make a difference in your kitchen!

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